Honeygo Child Development Center is located in a residential neighborhood on two acres of land in Perry Hall, Maryland. In front of the Center lies the Jacob Seddon House, said to be the oldest building in Perry Hall. Although no one is sure of the exact date the structure was built, its architectural design dates it back to before the Civil War. For many years the house was owned and lived in by Jacob Seddon and his family. After a period of years, the home was rented to several families, one of which was the James family in the late 1800’s. The house has existed and survived through countless historical events, wars, technological advancements and community development. It is now over 150 years old it exists today as an historical landmark. There have been minimal modern advancements to the house that include an addition, running water, and electric wiring. Although the electric and water no longer operate, the house is still used by the owners of the child care Center and many of the employees enjoy being able to set foot in a piece of history!